House Painting Services

Cherub Pressure Cleaning provides interior and exterior painting services to residential and commercial clients. There is nothing quite like a fresh coat of paint to revitalize a home inside and out. Whether you choose to cover your walls with the same color of paint or branch out and try something new, the result will be transformative.

Interior Painting
Cherub crews prepare walls for painting by removing nails and filling holes and cracks. We patch larger holes where necessary. In addition to walls, we paint doors, window casings, door trim, and ceilings, where desired.

Exterior Painting
Exteriors are prepped for painting with a thorough washing of walls. We make sure mold, grime, cobwebs, and insect residue are removed. Old paint typically deteriorates and becomes chalky. Our wall prep removes the chalk so that new paint adheres well.

How Long Does It Take to Paint a House?
The answer to this question depends on the size of the house and the amount of preparation required. Smaller homes that do not require extensive prep work may be completed in a few days. Larger homes or business buildings take longer. Please call us to schedule a quote. During this visit we can give an estimate of the time required to complete the job.

We offer free estimates and service to the entire area



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8214 Cathy Ann Street
Orlando, FL 32818